I am now offering my services as an editor. As a writer, I've been on the other side of the editorial process, so I know how necessary the editing process is in getting your manuscript ready to submit or publish. But I also know how daunting it can be to turn your work over to be picked apart and criticized by others. I am here to hold your hand and cheer you on, but also give you honest feedback and critique to help you reach your goal, whether it is simply brainstorming together to improve your writing, preparing your manuscript to submit to publishers, or self-publishing a finished product. I can offer whatever level of editing you need, from a developmental edit to a final proofreading, and any advice I can give from my experiences as a hybrid author.
Also know that when I take on your project, I will be approaching it from not only an editorial perspective, but from an author's perspective as well. That means I'll be invested not only with my head, but also with my heart. My specialty is Historical Romance, but I am interested in all sub-genres of Romance, Mystery, Fantasy and Sci-Fi.
Do you need a combination of services, or just one? Or are you not quite sure what you need? Contact me through my Project Request Form down below or just email me at margaretfenton12@gmail.com, and I can provide you with an evaluation and quote, and arrange a sample edit.
Manuscript/Project Assessment
I call this "Dev Edit Lite", similar to a Beta Read. You will receive at least 3-6 pages of honest feedback on a WIP, draft, or even just a synopsis. I look at things like structure, story, writing style, adherence to genre conventions, and appeal to intended audience. I will offer constructive feedback and broad advice on next steps you can take to get your manuscript ready for a Dev or Sub Edit. You can also add on a Video Consultation so we can chat about your project, and I can answer any questions you have.
Estimated Turn Around:
1-2 Weeks
$.005/word, $100 minimum
$40/hr Video Consultation
Developmental Edit
Some books need to go through two rounds of developmental editing, some only one. I have split the process into two rounds.
This is a deep edit at the book/chapter level, for a first draft that just isn't working and needs significant structural changes and rewriting. I will analyze the quality of writing, plot structure, subplots, character development, adherence to genre conventions, audience appeal, etc. I can help brainstorm ideas and solutions and help you structure/restructure your work so it has a strong beginning/middle/end. I will work with you to get your manuscript ready for a Substantive Edit.
This will be a wholistic edit at the chapter level, for manuscripts that have either gone through a Dev Edit or are in great shape aside from some scene, plot, POV, subplot and characterization issues. Some rewriting might be required. I will look at continuity, historical accuracy, balance of narration and dialogue, and pacing. We will strengthen dialogue, narrative flow, plot beats, character arcs and core conflicts for a story that keeps the reader's attention. This edit is for smoothing out the rough edges at the big-picture level and tying up loose ends before a Line and Copy Edit.
Each Round Includes
Editorial Report (usually 10-20 pages of feedback)
Comments in the margins of the work, using Word Track Changes
Problem-Solving Suggestions
Video Consultation, up to 1 hr (for additional time, I charge $40/hr)
Follow-up Report on Author Changes (usually 3-6 pages)
Estimated Turn Around
2-3 Weeks Edit
2-4 Weeks for Author Changes
1-2 Weeks for written Follow-up Report
$.014/word for 1 round
$.022/word for 2 rounds (20% discount!)
Line and Copy Edit
This is an edit at the paragraph and sentence level, checking grammar, syntax, word-choice, pacing, anachronisms, sentence structure, formatting, etc. I want to help polish your writing to a high sheen. This is for works that have gone through a Dev Edit or Substantive Edit, or for seasoned writers with a draft approaching its "final form".
*If you submit your manuscript for a Line and Copy Edit that has either not gone through a Dev/Sub Edit, or still needs work on that level, I will recommend you do that either with me or another editor before proceeding with this step. I want the best outcome for your work, and cleaning up something with larger issues will not benefit anyone.
Editorial Report (usually 5-15 pages)
Edited Manuscript
Style Sheet
Follow-up Report on Author Changes
Optional 30 min. Video Consultation
Estimated Turn Around
1-3 Weeks for Line and Copy Edit
2-4 Weeks for Author to make changes
1-2 Weeks for Editor Follow-up Report
Spot Check/ Proofread
A follow-up to my Line and Copy Edit to spot-check changes, or for writers who are interested in one final pass-through before submission or self-publishing.
$.005/word, minimum $250
Estimated Turn Around
7-10 Days
Comprehensive Edit Special/Custom Edit
Want my help from beginning to end? I will cheer you on through your Dev Edit, Substantive Edit, Line and Copy Edit, and Spot Check/Proofread. If you book at least 3 services with me, I'll give you 5% off each service.
Do you need a Custom Package? For instance, would you like to combine a light Sub Edit with a Line and Copy? I will work with you to tailor my services to your needs.
Refer someone to me and get 10% off your next service!
Estimated Turn Around
TBD between Author and Editor
each service billed separately
Sample Edit (Free)
Interested in any of my services? Please fill out my Project Request Form, or email me at margaretfenton12@gmail.com to arrange for me to evaluate your work's needs. If I am interested in your project and feel like I am the right editor for you, we can proceed with a Sample Edit at no cost to make sure we are a good fit for each other.
Estimated Turn Around
1-2 Weeks
Once you have approved the Sample Edit and quote*, we will hash out a timeline for the project, and I will send you a contract. You will pay 5% upfront as a non-refundable retainer to reserve your spot. Upon the start of the project, you pay 50%, and the balance will be due within 1 week of receiving the edited file.
I edit only in MS Word Track Changes, and I use Merriam Webster's Dictionary and the Chicago Manual of Style for American English, and the OED and New Hart's for British English.
*I provide a range of prices for a Line and Copy Edit in my description. Some manuscripts need less work, and some need more, and your quote will reflect this.